The number of misconceptions about buying, selling, and owning a home has never been higher than it is today.

We were reminded of this recently after one of our teammates posted a video on Instagram talking about how home prices will be affected when mortgage rates come down.

Comments flooded in, most of which argued these three points:

  1. Mortgage rates are not going to come down.
  2. Even if mortgage rates do come down, nobody is going to buy homes because prices are too high.
  3. Home prices are falling and will continue to fall.

This way of thinking is totally understandable. However, history and current market trends tell us that these arguments are simply not true.

If you have similar fears about what’s going to happen in the housing market, I recommend reading our latest blog article. It dives into each of these three misconceptions in detail and breaks down the FACTS and DATA about what’s currently going on with supply and demand, what has happened in the past with home prices and interest rates, and what we believe will happen in the future.

You can check it out at the link below:

ARTICLE: Debunking the 3 Most Common Myths About the 2023 Housing Market

I hope this info helps alleviate some of the fears you may have about buying a home in the future! If you have any questions about the topics discussed in the article, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Ready to get started?  We’re here to help!

Tim Erickson
P: (652) 451-2273

Mark Henderson
P: (651) 398-3477